Arizona FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

How many scholars are in a class?

In K-2, there are no more than 16 scholars in a class. In 3-10th, there are no more than 24 scholars in a class. We’ve designed a schedule and staffed our academy to intentionally create small class sizes and close-knit communities.

If my child enrolls in Great Hearts Online, what happens to their seat at their existing Great Hearts academy?

Great Hearts Online – Arizona and Great Hearts Online- Texas are stand-alone academies. Your student’s enrollment in GH Online will mean they unenroll from their existing brick and mortar Great Hearts academy.

What are the transfer policies between Great Hearts Online and a Great Hearts brick-and-mortar academy?

If a student transfers to Great Hearts Online from a Great Hearts brick-and-mortar academy, that student loses her/his seat at the brick-and-mortar academy. The same is true for a student transferring from Great Hearts Online to a Great Hearts brick-and-mortar academy. Students who have attended a Great Hearts academy (online or brick-and-mortar) for one year may use a transfer priority. While a transfer priority does not guarantee enrollment at the school of choice, it does prioritize the student on the waitlist.

What kind of Exceptional Student Services (ESS) will be provided and how will they be delivered?

As with all Great Hearts schools, we support the needs of our students. We have a strong Special Education team, provide services as indicated in the IEPs, serve students with Dyslexia and our English Language learners. It is our goal to provide this robust classical liberal arts education to all who come to us and we want to help our scholars grow, by providing the support they need.

What do future years look like for Great Hearts Online?

Great Hearts Online is focused on building and sustaining a best-in-class K-12 online academy. At the same time, we are investing in the design of a superb classical online high school that includes college credit. Learn more about those college credit options HERE.

What if I want my student to matriculate into a GH Online high school?

Great Hearts Online currently serves students K-10th grade and plans to add another grade level each year following until we are a fully K-12 program.

Is Great Hearts Online a temporary distance learning option for existing Great Hearts brick-and-mortar students?

Great Hearts Online is a full-time, standalone academy under the Great Hearts network. Great Hearts brick-and-mortar students who need to quarantine or are home sick will be supported by their home academy.

Is there a cost or related fees to attend Great Hearts Online?

Great Hearts Online is a tuition-free, public charter school. Parents/guardians are responsible for purchasing books and supplies for their students, as well as supplying uniforms and the necessary technology.

What are the eligibility requirements for Great Hearts Online?

Arizona: Applicants and students must reside in the State of Arizona. 2nd – 8th grade students must be present for in-person state testing.

What is the enrollment process?

As space is available, offers are made. An offer does not guarantee enrollment or registration in a Great Hearts Online academy. Once an offer is accepted by a parent/guardian, the parent/guardian then provides documentation to determine eligibility. If a student is eligible and when appropriate background documents are submitted, the student is enrolled/registered in Great Hearts Online.

What will my student(s) need to be successful with Great Hearts Online?

A few critical things must be in place to set students up for success:
Productive Workspace: A distraction-free, quiet workspace where students can hear their teachers, answer questions and focus on independent work. Ideally, students should be able to sit in front of a blank wall and have their computer video on.
Hardware & Electricity: A computer with a power-outlet nearby so students can work without interruption for the day.
Supportive Grown Up: An available adult to support their learning and technology needs.
Internet: Strong internet connections capable of supporting sustained video conferencing.
Age-Appropriate Academic Habits: Ability to focus on computer-based work for a developmentally appropriate amount of time (varies by age).

What are the uniform requirements?

A uniform is an indicator of our unity and of our pride of purpose. It identifies its wearer as part of a distinctive group with a distinctive purpose. At GHO, the student only needs to wear the polo top. A light blue or white polo can be purchased from any retail store.


What is the necessary technology?

Families are responsible for providing their own laptop and access to high-speed internet, and we recommend headphones depending on the student’s environment. 

Click HERE to view technology requirements.

What if my family is not able to afford a computer, uniforms, or other items needed to attend Great Hearts Online?

For families who have a financial need, GH Online will work to provide supplies and materials for the duration of the academic year.

Will my scholar and I be supported in using the technology and tools to attend Great Hearts Online?

Yes! GH Online will provide technology support in accessing class through Canvas (our Learning Management Systems) and joining live classes for parents as well as thoughtfully designing onboarding courses for parents. Students will be taught how to use the technology and tools during class.

What grade levels do you serve?

Great Hearts Online serves students in grades K-10 in Arizona and Texas. Another grade level will be added each year until we are a complete K-12 academy.