Course Summary:

Humane Letters at Great Hearts High School is a pinnacle course focused on deepening students’ understanding of the world by studying classic texts and historical context. Through Socratic dialogue, students develop critical thinking skills and learn to integrate their ideas with those of the texts. The course fosters independent thought and teaches students to separate personal opinions from textual analysis, instilling a healthy pursuit of excellence.

Course Summary:

Humane Letters at Great Hearts High School is a pinnacle course focused on deepening students’ understanding of the world by studying classic texts and historical context. Through Socratic dialogue, students develop critical thinking skills and learn to integrate their ideas with those of the texts. The course fosters independent thought and teaches students to separate personal opinions from textual analysis, instilling a healthy pursuit of excellence.

Course Summary:

Humane Letters at Great Hearts High School is a pinnacle course focused on deepening students’ understanding of the world by studying classic texts and historical context. Through Socratic dialogue, students develop critical thinking skills and learn to integrate their ideas with those of the texts. The course fosters independent thought and teaches students to separate personal opinions from textual analysis, instilling a healthy pursuit of excellence.

Course Summary:

Humane Letters at Great Hearts High School is a pinnacle course focused on deepening students’ understanding of the world by studying classic texts and historical context. Through Socratic dialogue, students develop critical thinking skills and learn to integrate their ideas with those of the texts. The course fosters independent thought and teaches students to separate personal opinions from textual analysis, instilling a healthy pursuit of excellence.

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