Unlocking the Power of Classical Education

Are you hearing more and more about classical education in today’s modern world? Are you wondering what all the buzz is about? Classical education is indeed experiencing a revival because it emphasizes timeless virtues, critical thinking, and a well-rounded approach to learning, preparing students not just academically but also ethically. In a rapidly changing world, its roots in ancient wisdom provide a stable foundation for cultivating thoughtful, adaptable individuals who can navigate the complexities of contemporary life with a rich understanding of the past.

A Journey Through History

Imagine your child learning from the great thinkers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle – the foundations of classical education are traced back to ancient philosophers. This tradition continued with the Romans, shaping the education of America’s founding fathers and influential minds from the 10th to the 19th centuries. In short, classical education has inspired advances in science, philosophy, art, and literature.

Critical Thinking, Persuasive Communication, and Virtues

Classical education puts critical thinking at the forefront. By engaging with classical literature, philosophy, and history, students gain a deeper understanding of the human experience and refine their analytical skills by not only studying the events of the past but by diving deep into the writings of the very leaders and influencers that shaped the world as we know it today.

Rhetoric and language are powerful tools in classical education, making students confident and persuasive communicators. They join the Great Conversation, an ongoing dialogue on the deepest human questions, spanning science, mathematics, theology, and philosophy. This discussion continues in the classroom, even in the virtual setting of Great Hearts Online.

Character development is a highlight, instilling virtues like courage, integrity, honesty, friendship, and humility. Classical education forms not just the mind but also the heart of its students and challenges them to be a voice in their community standing for the truth, the good, the beautiful.

By engaging with classical literature, philosophy, and history, students gain a deeper understanding of the human experience and refine their analytical skills by not only studying the events of the past but by diving deep into the writings of the very leaders and influencers that shaped the world as we know it today.

Why Choose Classical Education?

While popular types of education such as STEM focus on technical skills, classical education takes a broader view, seamlessly weaving together humanities, sciences, arts, and character development. It nurtures intellectual curiosity, effective communication, and moral integrity. In fact, 44% of Great Hearts scholars pursue STEM majors in college, crediting their classical formation as the competitive edge in understanding and explaining technical concepts.

In a world of narrow specialization, classical education is a beacon of timeless wisdom, providing students with the tools to not only succeed but also lead meaningful lives as thoughtful, virtuous citizens positively contributing to society. Embrace the power of classical education for your child’s future. Learn more about the Great Hearts philosophy HERE.