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Course Summary:

Develop fundamental numeracy skills including counting, ordering, and comparing numbers up to 20, while exploring shapes, patterns, and basic addition/subtraction concepts through hands-on experiences.

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This course product is for the 2nd Semester. Please also purchase the 1st Semester for the full academic year.

Course Summary:

Build on foundational math concepts by exploring numbers up to 120 using concrete and pictorial representations, investigating number relationships, employing various addition and subtraction strategies, and beginning to grasp abstract mathematical concepts, while also delving into early measurement skills, geometry, and data representation.


This course product is for the 2nd Semester. Please make sure you also purchase 1st Semester for full year of study.

Course Summary:

Expands upon foundational skills, covering numbers up to 1000, mental math strategies, addition and subtraction up to four digits, introduction to multiplication and division, and various applications including time, measurement, shapes, and data analysis.

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This course product is for the 2nd Semester. Please make sure you also purchase 1st Semester for full year of study.

Course Summary:

Significant shift towards abstract thinking, focusing on foundational math skills such as rounding, estimation, multiplication, and division, while emphasizing conceptual understanding over skill mastery, covering place value, whole numbers, fractions, time, and geometry with the introduction of the bar model as a problem-solving tool.

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This course product is for the 2nd Semester. Please make sure you also purchase 1st Semester for full year of study.

Course Summary:

A review fundamental arithmetic skills and place value, delve into fractions to establish proportional reasoning, and progress to decimals, geometry, and measurement conversion throughout the year.

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This course product is for the 2nd Semester. Please make sure you also purchase 1st Semester for full year of study.

Course Summary:

Singapore Math focuses on mastering all four operations with whole numbers up to 10 million, progressing to fractions, decimals, geometry, and algebraic reasoning, emphasizing perseverance and creativity in tackling complex mathematical problems.

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This course product is for the 2nd Semester. Please make sure you also purchase 1st Semester for full year of study.

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